Events Calendar

February 09, 2025


May the Lord Bless You as We Worship Together

Morning Worship Order of Service


Welcome Visitors

Worship through Word and Prayer

Time of Sharing & Prayer           

Worship through Song 


Message – Pastor Gene Lewis -
Joshua 9

The Deception and Devine Wisdom:
Lessons from the Gibeonite Trickery


CONSTANT PRAYER FOR: Our church body and direction as we move forward, along with family relationships, Spiritual and physical health. 

Continued Prayer: For Israel and those still being held as hostages.

Christians who are being persecuted daily. Attacks in Nigeria on Christmas Eve and Day – over 160 dead and 300 injured, over 200 homes burned.  

Pray for Israel


The Bible does not need to be rewritten, but it needs to be reread. - IBC

We are drowning in information while starving for wisdom. Wisdom comes from knowing God. Stop, pray, listen, and be in His Word.

Weekly Happenings


9:45am - Sunday School

Adult  study: Knowing The Bible:  James

Greg Gilbert

11:00am Worship Service study in the book of Acts



6:00pm - Bible Study

New Study! 

Exploring Prophecy and the End Times

Monthly  Events

First Sunday……………Communion